Tag: sexual assault

Wrestling with Brock and Sentencing (or Let’s abuse the ref)

Today we start our series looking  at the Brock Turner Sexual Assault Case by examining both Judge Aaron Persky’s sentencing of Turner to Six months jail time and the public reaction to the sentencing. In terms of sentencing, Judge Persky’s decision to sentence of six months jail time, along with lifetime sex offender registration, and three years probation have come under serious fire. It has even sparked an online petition for the removal of Judge Persky with signatures from all over the nation. People calling this a sign of how none of this is taken seriously. And it all raises a serious question:

Have you lost your minds?  Continue reading “Wrestling with Brock and Sentencing (or Let’s abuse the ref)”

What Bill Cosby should say about the rape allegations and why it matters.

Recently our most beloved television dad and most famous Jell-O spokesman found himself embroiled in controversy. As most of you may know, Barbara Bowman is back in the news, based upon allegations that Bill Cosby drugged and raped her back in 1985 along with twelve other women over time. While the events are old it is not surprising that recent revelations would merit some media attention. After all, thirteen is a pretty big number. What makes this odd is that these are not new “revelations”. This story has been out here since at least 2004. So why all of the attention now? Could it be because Cosby has a few new projects coming up including another TV series? Or was it, as some say, because a male comedian, Hannibal Burress, raised attention to it during a stand-up routine? Is it connected to a change in society, or a change in female power in media, that is bringing this forth? I can not tell you which of these, or if all of them, are responsible for what is going on with the new attention. What I can tell you is what Bill Cosby, or anyone else in his position (is there anyone else in his position?) should say. Continue reading “What Bill Cosby should say about the rape allegations and why it matters.”